- #Reservoir dogs meaning movie
- #Reservoir dogs meaning manual
Hollywood Nerd: Has a Silver Surfer poster in his apartment and talks about the Fantastic Four and Baretta.Soft Spoken Sadist: He never raises his voice even where he's describing to cop how much he'll enjoy tortured him or killing a crowd of people in a store because the alarm went off.Asshole Victim: Who doesn't cares if he dies?.Villainous Breakdown: Very often due to his Hair-Trigger Temper, but the most prominent one was when he finds out that Mr.
#Reservoir dogs meaning movie
Makes his extremely unmanly, undignified sobbing at the end of the movie all the more jarring.
Rated "M" for Manly: "Shit, you shoot me in a dream and you better wake up and apologize" and other general badassery. Even Evil Has Standards - He doesn't kill civilians. Berserk Button - "Don't you call me an asshole!". Affably Evil: He is the most polite of the robbers, tips waitresses, and has a distaste for killing innocent people, but as Mr.Orange found out the hard way, "just because he's a nice guy doesn't mean he won't kill you.". PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.
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